
Vuorenmaja´s wine list mainly consists German quality wines that are produced by small wineries and are imported by ourselves. In Germany Vuorenmaja has three main partner wineries, that are located on the river Moselle, Rhine and Nahe in the state of Rhineland Palatinate in southwest Germany. Chosen Italian, Spanish and French wines, which are ordered elsewhere, complete the wine list. Altogether Vuorenmaja has 40 wines that are sold in glass and besides that wines that are only sold in bottle.

During the summer we offer small 3-wine tastings for individuals. For groups we organize 3- or 5-wine tastings that can be ordered. These group tastings also include small cocktail snacks. A guided tour in the beautiful Mäntänvuori nature can be combined with all wine tastings.

Vuorentie 70, 35820 Mänttä - 03 389 1616

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